Nuggets of Gratitude or Resentment
by Michael Feeley
ARE YOU HOLDING on to nuggets of gratitude or nuggets of resentment?
Both can consume you.
Take a quick look in your mind and heart and see what comes up.
A gratitude nugget is something that makes you happy and energized with positivity and love.
Your job, friends, family, where you live, your daily practice, projects you’re creating.
A resentment nugget can be something or someone you dislike and fight with (in person or your mind), and you refuse to change it because you like the contempt this nugget provides you.
It might also be something you didn’t get, like a promotion or invitation somewhere, and you’re bitter, hurt, mad as hell, and out for revenge.
If resentment makes you feel strong and happy, then keep the glowing lump of poison.
> Which nugget has the best effect on you – gratitude or resentment?
> How can you release the chunk of resentment that works against happiness?
> How can you treasure and grow the empowering light of gratitude?
Gratitude is more than the opposite of resentment; it’s the antitoxin.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily with your tribes.
I think this matters too – What a Choice to Live with – Gratitude or Resentment.