Photo: Brackenridge PA / By: Alyssha Csuk
Photo: Brackenridge PA / By: Alyssha Csuk
All my life, I've had a feeling of... " is this all there is? There must be more."
Over the last several decades, I've sought answers to that question.
I have read countless books. I spent tens of thousands of dollars participating in a plethora of workshops covering personal development, business, marketing, copywriting, film scoring, opera composition, web design. I meditated with monks in Thailand, China, and the United States.
I grew so much and so fast in every possible way: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially.
And my life has been wonderful. I'm grateful and proud of all the ideas, writings, songs, music, curricula, books, businesses, and my beautiful, healthy, happy, and loving family. Everything has always been getting better and better.
But lately, I felt I was bumping up against an invisible roof. Things were still moving along. Yet, I was used to supersonic growth. I had slowed and even felt stuck.
My usual tricks of travel, journaling, meditating, long walks - none of these got me moving again.Long ago, I learned something about thinking. Questions are the root of thought. And by asking better questions, one could change a life, a business, the world. The key is the QUALITY of the questions. And yet, I had run out of questions.
Last winter, I participated in a creative workshop run by Seth Godin – The Creative's Workshop. One of his coach/facilitators would always ask me the most amazing penetrating questions. And he would do so with empathy, care, and love.
Who is this guy? How does he know the right questions that would push me so much deeper?
Well, that guy is Michael Feeley.
And in just 8 weeks of coaching me, we went deep. I discovered I had some limiting beliefs that have been weighing me down for years. Some for over 40 years!
And I didn't even realize it. I just knew that there was some resistance holding me back. Yes, that old sneaky friend that Steven Pressfield so accurately describes in The War of Art.
And now, it's funny how different and yet the same I feel.
It reminds me of the Zen Buddhist saying:
Before enlightenment: chop wood; carry water.
After enlightenment: chop wood; carry water.I'm still chopping wood and carrying water, but I no longer stop to question…
Is it the right wood?
How much wood?
How much water?
Blah blah blah…I'm just doing, being, and creating…with love and gratitude. I thank you so much, Michael.
Michael has twenty years experience matching people with positions that allows them to reach their potential. Having worked with corporate decision makers, Michael has expertise in understanding organizational needs in multiple industries. He understands, experientially and intuitively, what gets people hired and what doesn’t. With a big heart and intellect to match, Michael Feeley is an authority on bringing the best out of business owners, executives, and entrepreneurs… he has such amazing energy, not to mention a terrific business background.
I have worked with Michael for the past 10 years at various companies in NYC. As a recruiter, consultant, and career coach, Michael has consistently been professional, prompt, trustworthy and extremely responsive. He coaches by example. What he advises, he practices. He assists you as if he were assisting himself or an important family member. His instincts are right on. He calls the shots as he sees them and will be honest. For this reason, he is the first person I think of when faced with any type of personnel or career challenge. Highly recommended.
…as a trainer I watched Michael Feeley become a masterful coach, being adept at many coaching skills… he is supportive, motivational, action-oriented, open minded, authentic, confident and compassionate… such a delight to work with… fun, high-energy, intuitive, spontaneous!… I have observed him to be very inspirational, empowering, and encouraging clients to go to greater depths in their lives. He is a true ambassador of the profession… Michael has heart and soul along with the ability to deliver!
I can definitely attest to Michael’s coaching and to him as an agent of change. He was a coach in The Creative’s Workshop - TCW created by Seth Godin, and found him to be responsive, empathetic, generous in his sharing of how to’s, where to go’s, and always positive. I am part of his SVA (Smallest Viable Audience) and follow him daily. Thank you for that.”
I had the honor of working with Michael as a coach in The Creative’s Workshop, founded by Seth Godin, for several sessions.
Michael showed an unwavering dedication to the students in the workshop. He was their partner on their journeys of self-discovery and self-improvement, never judging. He knew just what questions to ask at the right time to help the students make new discoveries on the road to success.
Michael never let a student hide behind resistance. He helped them to see the excuses and obstacles they put in their own way. And then the real magic could happen - connecting them with their purpose and passion so that they could take the next steps in their creative endeavors.
Michael also inspired me to be a better coach and person by being in his ebullient presence. I highly recommend working with him!
I got to know Michael as a coach on Akimbo's Creatives Workshop and worked with him one-on-one for a few months afterwards.
Michael's background in the creative arts gives him a distinct advantage because he knows how the creative mind works. We like to tell ourselves false stories, constantly second-guess, struggle with limiting beliefs and can get stuck in self-destructive tunnel vision, drifting from our goals. Do these things ever disappear? No, but they can be managed and channelled properly. And that's where Michael's indispensable, linchpin-like mind comes in.
Michael was highly skilled at being able to quickly see the blocks keeping me stuck. He asked thought-provoking questions that stretched my mind, exposing me to the silly rules I created for myself due to old programming. One eye-opening session allowed me to make friends with procrastination, which up until then, had been a problem for me. I manage it way better now!
In addition to opening my mind and helping me make significant changes, he helped me see the positive traits I had about myself that I had forgotten about. Let me tell you, living with ourselves every day we sometimes forget about how resourceful and resilient we are--Michael made me realize how far I'd come along.
During our work together, we also explored my core values and used them as the pillars to steer and create a plan for the life I want to live. Yes, it's s tough work, but it's worth it. Why? Because Michael is humorous and joyful with a vibrant energy that is incredibly inspiring. Even the crappy parts of growth can feel light with the right coach. I've worked with other coaches before who were a bit too serious for me, but Michael balanced our sessions with laughter and fun!
I highly recommend him if you're looking to make a major change in your life. I don't think I could have made progress as quickly without him. He has a dazzling attitude of grace, finesse and integrity.
What can I say about Michael.
I joined The Creative's Workshop - TCW (Akimbo Workshops founded by Seth Godin) last year to help me get my Book Writing journey on the right track.
I stubbed my digital toe 37 times.
Had full-on faceplants - 6 times.
Ready to quit - 11 times.Finding YOUR voice and locking in on the RIGHT audience when writing a book is no easy feat.
There was one Coach that was always there to pick me up and give me the nudge and advice I needed. That was Michael.
And not just the “puffery, motivation rah-rah stuff”. He gave me nitty-gritty feedback - sometimes validation and sometimes eye-opening course correction.Although there were hundreds of students, and I knew he was helping many others, he stayed with me until the end.
I am on a much better path and my book with be a real thing in 2023. Michael was a big part of it.
As a Coach, he was tough when he needed to be and always gave me the right advice even when it wasn’t what I wanted to hear. But isn’t that what we really want in a coach?
He tells you the stuff your friends and family won’t. That’s what we all need.
You’ll have an early early copy of my book, Michael, with a special note inside.
Michael is one of the most positive people I know. He has a sense of clarity and confidence that is rare. A simple interaction with him can turn even the most precarious challenge into an exciting opportunity. His journey from becoming a professional actor and singer to becoming a life coach is inspiring in all ways.
I recommend Michael as a coach and a leader to everyone.
It is an absolute joy to work with Michael in The Creative's Workshop.
He is the most positive, energetic, generous, and authentic person I know.
Michael is a deep thinker who connects with others in a way that is clearly motivated by the desire to help them see and step into their potential.
He possesses a rare and wonderful blend of curiosity, courage, consideration, and compassion. If you have the privilege to be invited to work with Michael, I highly recommend you do so. Your life will be enhanced by the experience.
I have been blessed to know Michael Feeley for the last few years; reading his inspirational posts is very inspiring. He is a professional Artist & Coach who offers help to the neediest and injured souls like me.
Last year I was searching in my heart to get out of the shadow of my Indian culture. So without hesitation, I felt comfortable sharing my family memoir with him. In spite of being so busy, he made an effort to guide me and suggested how I might get out of my comfort zone and move forward with humility—such a wonderful, caring, and compassionate soul. God Bless him with all the success and joy of life.
I have known Michael for over six years and have spoken with him on many occasions and over many different subjects and I regard him as a calm, caring and trusted confidant
who is always available to help when requested.Sitting down (real or virtually) with Michael is akin to a ‘spa day for your mind' in that you immediately start to relax and the tensions of the past begin to put themselves into perspective.
With Michael’s expert coaching, he allows you to clarify what were previously muddy and confusing issues and to formulate actionable plans that help move you towards your goals.
Michael has a unique ability that helps you see the proverbial ‘bigger picture’ and to identify which life goals are really important to you and how you might achieve these goals through future choices and actions. He does this not by telling you what to do, but by enabling you to make your choices with clarity and confidence.
I feel extremely fortunate to have been a beneficiary of Michael’s coaching and wisdom and always look forward to our next discussion.
Michael Feeley is a wise, inspiring coach with the life experience, compassion, and emotional intelligence to guide you through virtually anything. Our coaching sessions together were my ‘Hour of Power’. I have removed ‘I have to’ and ‘I can’t’ from my vocabulary so I am no longer a people pleaser. Michael has a wonderful sense of humor. Getting unstuck has helped me rediscover what makes me happy so I can live a simpler, more meaningful life!
I first met Michael over 7 years ago. He was referred to me by a dear friend when he needed help re-designing his first website.
My friend had said, in her introduction, something to the effect that he was one of the kindest and most authentic people she knew and that he would be a pleasure to work with. She was SO right!
What strikes you first about Michael is his sincere concern and true warmth. He radiates that warmth – and no, it isn’t just the island living – it is that he walks the walk. He never stops learning about people, about coaching, about real estate, about life. He practices the gratitude he preaches and embraces the change he helps others achieve.
He is honest about his challenges (though he does make it all look easy!) and is supportive and tremendously considerate.
Michael is smart and quick and truly a joy to work with. Our meetings are always the highlight of my work day. He is a dream client – one who is committed to getting the work done and to delivering while not afraid to question, challenge and pivot. Sometimes I feel like I should be paying HIM for our sessions, as he asks probing and thoughtful questions, pushing me to grow alongside him.
I would HIGHLY recommend Michael as a life coach, as a real estate advisor, as a business partner, or, if you are lucky, as a friend.
You, my friend, are the Real Deal.
The magic of what Michael does is that he helps people re-imagine themselves which is what enables them to reinvent themselves.
For those who want to go deeper, Michael offers a safe space in which you can get to know yourself better, shed old assumptions, and tap into the courage to give up one way of being for another.
Michael is direct and affirming… an astute judge of character who builds trust.
Michael shows it’s possible to escape the rat race and create a life where you thrive and shows too that it’s possible to hold yourself and one another in high regard no matter the circumstances. Michael gives and gives. Generosity is what fuels everything he does.
Michael Feeley walks the walk and talks the talk. He is honest, authentic and incredibly generous in spirit. Michael’s deep commitment to service means his clients get his full attention and will benefit from his coaching skills, experience and wisdom.
Thank you Michael. Thank you for being one of the most supportive and caring persons that I have ever encountered along my path. You have changed me for the better…. always ready to listen, help, encourage and support. You are my top advisor. You exemplify all the reasons and benefits of being true to yourself and have helped me become a better human being. You are so skilled in your selfless service to others. They often say – “…if it helps just one person then it was worth it!” Know deep within your heart, that I am one of many you have helped… and you will touch the lives of so many more.
Thank you for your human kindness.
I think of you often and I recall that you came into my life when I was at my lowest point. I was raising a teenage son who was starting high school, and at the same time my mother passed away, I lost my full-time job and my fiancé walked out on me. You were a guiding light in my life, you provided me the chance to remain employed, albeit, very challenging roles you sent me to interview. You took the time to prep me and coach me. I will never forget you. — Thank you.
You are an amazing person Michael Feeley. You see the good in others so well and you encourage that good and more. I think it is more than craft or skill or talent. I think it is a part of you that you have created and then shared. And the more you share, the more that part of you grows and develops.
Through this Journey, you have been very supportive and I want you to know I appreciate your goodness and your thoughts and helping me see my idiosyncrasies and who I am. Even during my dark moments you found the light and you helped me to see the light too
Thank you for the time you have given to respond to my daily writings and photographs… You have integrity… a rare trait these days
Thank you for being you
Life Coaching…has helped me help myself to do three important things: to focus; to be more aware; and to understand how to make better choices about how to live the life I want to live…Coaching is teaching me to be kinder to myself. It’s helping me to deliberately take the time to appreciate at least one aspect of my life every day. By so doing, I can discover things of value, however small, and thereby have a more positive effect on the course of my journey and on the people with whom I interact…Coaching has helped me be aware of the positive energy or negative energy that words convey…those energies do affect the way one feels, the way one approaches problems, the way one makes decisions and the way one perceives oneself…the coaching process has helped me understand that blaming other people in my life for problems, regrets, sadness, anything negative really, is not constructive. After all, it was I who made choices, some good, some not so good…learning to make better choices, I’m a happier person.
I worked with Michael during the recession of 2008/2009. It wasn’t an easy year to find work but it was nice to have Michael “in my corner”. I always felt like he was doing the absolute best he could for me, and that he cared about my success both professionally and personally. To me, Michael, is truly one of the good guys. He is knowledgeable, respectful, and truly kind. (We’re still in touch today in 2020. ) If you haven’t already worked with him; what are you waiting for?
Michael and I have worked together over 10 years as business associates…During that time [as a recruiter] he was responsible for selecting candidates that not only had experience and good skills…but fit into the culture of our advertising world — a unique business. Michael is a professional in every sense of the word. Working with him I always found dedication, intelligence and an unusual insight into the type of candidates we needed…He earned my confidence and respect…It’s my opinion that Michael will excel in any endeavor he undertakes and anyone that works with him will enjoy his sense of pride in his work…
Michael is a compassionate person who has an eye for spotting the qualities that make each person special. Even when others are at their lowest ebb, he helps them restore their self belief by keeping a firm, clear vision of their goodness and specialties. His gentle and encouraging approach guides you toward the self discovery that success and happiness lies in you. He really, really listens. To be coached by Michael is a most excellent experience…YOU Michael are a star.
Michael is an amazingly inspirational and, more importantly, effective life coach. He is a true pro. His enthusiasm, coupled with strong insight, make for an unbeatable combination…but only if you’re looking to discover and/or achieve your life goals. Michael has an unparalleled ability to ‘connect’ in a way that makes you feel you’ve been heard. Even better, his easygoing, supportive, and encouraging style invites you to tap into your own inner wisdom to bring out the best in the real you. And you’ll never have more fun in the process! Two BIG thumbs up!!
Michael is detailed, compassionate and energetic. Looking for a new direction in life and a career change, Michael enabled me to tap into my potential, release fears and follow my dreams. Through hard work, encouragement and much reflection, I enrolled in one of New York’s top Nursing Schools and have since graduated with honors… Michael is an excellent Life Coach and his presence and guidance in my life was paramount in helping me find direction and meaning. If you hire Michael as your Life Coach, you are hiring the best!
“Michael is a dedicated, intuitive and knowledgeable coach who has lots of anabolic energy which translates to his ability to help move people forward in their change journey. Michael has the ability to focus on the ‘big picture’ while seeing the small details and helping his clients to do the same. I am fortunate to be working with Michael and value his coaching as it has helped me transition through some major life changes over the past year that I would not have otherwise done on my own.
Michael is a compassionate and genuine coach; he can make you laugh while helping you go deeper into what holds you back and then encourages you to do what is in your heart to achieve. I would recommend Michael as a coach to anyone seeking greater fulfillment and joy in their lives!”
“I highly recommend Michael Feeley as a Life Coach. He is highly respected, has tremendous spirit and work ethic and more importantly he just genuinely cares about people. He has a wealth of knowledge both professionally and overall life experiences… As a client you will truly be fortunate to obtain his services.”
“Michael has a strong sense of integrity. His deeply intuitive work helps his clients to find the real issues. His ability to see and acknowledge places where his client is stuck, allows him to assist in shifting energy to a more positive, productive place, with intelligence, humor and skill. His arts background gives him a keen understanding of people. His drive for authenticity produces results that are real, honest and fully integrated. He also has a rare ability to shift a clients energy by being present to whatever the client might be thinking or feeling. The energy shift is Fantastic!”
“I hired Michael to help me go forward in my career search. I wanted to make a change and work in an entirely new field than the one I was in for the past 15 years.
This was my first experience with coaching and I was unsure and a bit nervous.
I am so happy to tell you that the experience working with Michael was wonderful!
Michael immediately became my partner in helping me uncover where my passion lies, my vision for the future, and what were my blocks to realizing that vision. Today I have started my new business and I’m really optimistic about my future.
Thank you Michael.”
“After the 9/11 incident, I left the corporate world to fight the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Despite two challenging tours, I made it out of the military physically and mentally intact. Moreover, I was energized with a sense of bravery and fierceness that I had worked hard for and earned. I was ready to transition back to the corporate world carrying these two things in my back pocket. Seven years later, I slowly lost those traits. In some ways I’d gotten lost in the shuffle.
While perusing through LinkedIn, I stumbled upon Michael’s profile. From his LinkedIn profile to perusing through Michael’s website, I found myself wanting to know more. After much thought, I decided to contact Michael to obtain a third party assessment of my career and career choices that I’ve made in recent years. From the first time Michael and I spoke, I knew I’d struck gold!
Let me clarify what I mean by, “I’d struck gold” when I first spoke to Michael. I don’t mean that I found someone who simply knew what I wanted to hear. Instead, Michael has provided me much insight about the me that I once knew and insight about myself that I simply disregarded or was not aware of. Michael provided me a fair and balanced perspective in reasons for many of my career choices and he has also provided perspectives that I would have not otherwise considered.
I’ve learned much about myself in my coaching engagement with Michael. However, below are the top things that Michael helped me realize.
– What I was and what I am can be reverted back because it is a choice that I can take. In my situation, it is a positive version of regression.
– We are sometimes our worst critic. While that can work against us, it’s also important that we are kind to ourselves by acknowledging that we are successful in more things than we think or are willing to see.
– Dare to dream and pursue your dreams. If Walt Disney can pitch the idea of a mouse for his proposed theme park then choosing a career that balances passion with practicality is not far reaching.
– Since life is truly short, then why not pursue those things that evoke our heartfelt passion? To live life with passion is to live life to the fullest.
Michael has been an amazing coach. If I were to sum up all that Michael is in a bottle, I would include the following alphabetized characteristics… attentive, considerate, constructive, encouraging, emotionally intelligent, empathetic, empowering, energetic, happy, honest, humorous, insightful, inspiring, motivating, passionate, professional, thought provoking, understanding… These and other things positive are what Michael is all about. As you contemplate the question, “why Michael”, consider the alternative question, “why not Michael”.
I wanted to see what coaching is like for some time before contacting Michael Feeley. I have been in therapy and that was very helpful — I know myself pretty well — but the knowledge was not translating into action and change outside of my understanding. My experience with Michael Feeley has been distinctly productive since the first session.
What I came to understand, after just a few hours of coaching, is that targeting goals and path to them is important, but clearing the internal mental clutter is critical, and very doable. Michael has helped me enormously to “get out of my own way.” I am now moving forward toward goals I had thought would forever confined to my imagination. There is much I want to accomplish in the coming months; I will continue to draw on the rich range of internal supports and success Michael has helped me to strengthen.
The process of finding a new job – whatever the reason – can be something very solitary and often you feel like you are doing it all alone. Thank God for Michael! We worked together for over a year while I was in this process, and I always felt like he was my partner in my job transition, because a good partner is there with you no matter what is going on, with your best interests at heart.
Michael is patient, kind, thoughtful, very funny, and he listens when you talk. The highs and lows are a given, and I think the best thing Michael gave me was a feeling of possibility throughout; it’s wonderful to feel possibility and to be encouraged in that direction. I really felt like anything was possible and I knew I would find the right job.
Michael has twenty years experience matching people with positions that allows them to reach their potential. Having worked with corporate decision makers, Michael has expertise in understanding organizational needs in multiple industries. He understands, experientially and intuitively, what gets people hired and what doesn’t. With a big heart and intellect to match, Michael Feeley is an authority on bringing the best out of business owners, executives, and entrepreneurs… he has such amazing energy, not to mention a terrific business background.
…as a trainer I watched Michael Feeley become a masterful coach, being adept at many coaching skills… he is supportive, motivational, action-oriented, open minded, authentic, confident and compassionate… such a delight to work with… fun, high-energy, intuitive, spontaneous!… I have observed him to be very inspirational, empowering, and encouraging clients to go to greater depths in their lives. He is a true ambassador of the profession… Michael has heart and soul along with the ability to deliver!
You, my friend, are the Real Deal.
Michael Feeley walks the walk and talks the talk. He is honest, authentic and incredibly generous in spirit. Michael’s deep commitment to service means his clients get his full attention and will benefit from his coaching skills, experience and wisdom.