
Supporting You in Your Desire to Change

  • Talk and Listen

    by Michael Feeley June 28, 2024

    Talk and Listen

    We have the gift of language, which helps us communicate, and with it comes the ability and responsibility to listen, learn, and understand others and their needs. Listening is a beautiful skill and a responsibility to practice, acknowledge, and know others by truly hearing them. Understanding is what we each hope for.   Thanks – […]

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  • Your Best or Good Enough?

    by Michael Feeley June 13, 2024

    Your Best or Good Enough?

    Are you content with doing just enough to get by, or are you willing to exceed expectations because you have the capacity and desire to do more, to go above and beyond? Even with constraints, deadlines, finances, skills, knowledge, the systems you work in, and the unknown, you can still choose always to do your […]

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  • Control

    by Michael Feeley April 16, 2024


    In all kinds of relationships, there are tactics of control. A manager, partner, family member, or friend can praise and build you up, making you feel proud and valued. And there is the flip side: knocking you down, humiliating you, and having you question your success and importance. One is the positive choice to have […]

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  • Organize Your Self

    by Michael Feeley April 5, 2024

    Organize Your Self

    When you organize something, you give it more order than it had, and things change. It feels good to create order and change things up and around. For example, you might organize a closet, desk drawer, kitchen cabinets, garage, tools, calendar, bills, garden, or writing a book. Doing this also creates change in you, giving […]

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  • Buy-In

    by Michael Feeley September 26, 2023


    WHEN YOU BUY-IN to something, you commit to it because you really want it and believe it’s good for you and perhaps others. You’re emotionally engaged and usually with positive energy when you buy in. You have buy-in whenever you go grocery shopping – when you hire someone to help you – when you work […]

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  • Words and Change

    by Michael Feeley July 24, 2023

    Words and Change

    WORDS MEAN THINGS. We use words to express ourselves. Change happens if you add a letter to a word or remove one. Be Bee Becoming Being Beliefs Unbelievable Betrayal Beloved The same is true for us as human beings. Change happens when things are added to us and taken away. Self Myself Yourself Herself Selfish […]

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  • You Can Create Change Now

    by Michael Feeley June 29, 2023

    You Can Create Change Now

    WHEN YOU WORK to change something, it can make you feel so good and… uncertain, uncomfortable, or even fearful. Those are the places and things where change is most needed, and you must go there. You do not need a degree or permission to improve things, and you do not have to do it all […]

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  • Birth Days

    by Michael Feeley June 12, 2023

    Birth Days

    BIRTH DAY’S ARE a celebration – Happy Birthday! They matter. They’re special. You celebrate the meaning of someone’s birth. Birthdays are usually filled with happiness, gratitude, love, and many other emotions. You can celebrate the meaning of another person’s birth every day – all year long – all life long.   Thanks – Michael (he, […]

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  • Creating Change

    by Michael Feeley April 9, 2023

    Creating Change

    YOU CAN CREATE change because you want something different – something better than what you already have in your life – your work – and the world around you. Change comes out of possibility and seeing the potential for change – abundant, positive potential, belief, responsibility, hope and trust.   Possibility Opportunity Transformation Choices   […]

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  • Your Choices Create Change

    by Michael Feeley January 25, 2023

    Your Choices Create Change

    YOU CAN CREATE positive change through the choices you make. Create change in the economy by how you see and use money. Help save the climate by conserving energy and caring for the earth. Bring out the best in people by treating them with respect. Anything is possible when you see the power your choices […]

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Michael has twenty years experience matching people with positions that allows them to reach their potential. Having worked with corporate decision makers, Michael has expertise in understanding organizational needs in multiple industries. He understands, experientially and intuitively, what gets people hired and what doesn’t. With a big heart and intellect to match, Michael Feeley is an authority on bringing the best out of business owners, executives, and entrepreneurs… he has such amazing energy, not to mention a terrific business background.

Libby Gill

Business Coach, Brand Strategist & Best Selling Author

…as a trainer I watched Michael Feeley become a masterful coach, being adept at many coaching skills… he is supportive, motivational, action-oriented, open minded, authentic, confident and compassionate… such a delight to work with… fun, high-energy, intuitive, spontaneous!… I have observed him to be very inspirational, empowering, and encouraging clients to go to greater depths in their lives. He is a true ambassador of the profession… Michael has heart and soul along with the ability to deliver!

Deborah Van de Grift – CPC, ELI-MP, PCC

Vice President iPEC – Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching

You, my friend, are the Real Deal.

Matthew Carey

Host of Studio Time Podcast


Michael Feeley walks the walk and talks the talk. He is honest, authentic and incredibly generous in spirit. Michael’s deep commitment to service means his clients get his full attention and will benefit from his coaching skills, experience and wisdom.

Kathy Karn

Psychotherapist, Photographer and Storyteller /

London ON Canada

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