Don’t Waste Your Dreams

by Michael Feeley
WE’RE DREAMING ALL the time – creating, imagining, planning, plotting.
It’s your choice to use your dreams for good or evil.
Some of your dreams are long-term. However, they take time to achieve, such as building a particular career where you study and practice skills.
Other dreams are immediate, like suddenly finding the right peach color rose bush for your garden.
We also dream when we sleep (whether we remember them or not), which are things we hope for and things to learn from, maybe criticisms of ourselves and others.
I don’t think dreams are a waste of time at all. They are realities waiting for you to do the work to make them happen
so you can live your dreams.
What is a waste of time is just thinking about your dreams, letting fear and doubt hold you back from ever taking action
to make your dreams a reality.
Have dream courage and believe in your dream possibilities and dream potential.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily and live your dreams.
This is important too – Dreams are Transformative.