Chain Reactions of Gratitude

by Michael Feeley
This morning, I listened to one of my favorite pieces of music – Gabriel’s Oboe – and I was swept with gratitude by the sweet, yearning passion of the music.
– I had more gratitude as Yo-Yo Ma performed with the brilliance and depth of his cello playing > > >
– Then I remembered the music is the central theme of a movie I love called – The Mission – with two of my favorite actors, Robert De Niro and Jeremy Irons, which created more gratitude > > >
– And the music was streaming out of my voice-activated Alexa sound circle speaker, and there was added gratitude for
this genius of an invention > > >
– I was also eating breakfast with fresh hot coffee and a delicious green and yellow avocado. Yes – more gratitude and happiness connected to my senses of hearing – taste – smell – sight – touch – knowing that all our senses are built for gratitude > > >
This is what I mean by Chain Reactions of Gratitude – a series of events or feelings caused by one thing and then added to by another and another, and it makes you happy and thankful.
Chain Reactions of Gratitude happen all the time to each of us.
Have fun following the threads and links of gratitude connecting and growing out of one specific moment of appreciation.
How incredible the way incidents, facts, and feelings of gratitude stack upon and create more gratitude – stack upon liking – upon appreciation – upon thanks – upon respect and love for something > > >
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily and create Chain Reactions of Gratitude > > >
I believe this will also inspire you – Bring On Your Gratitude.