Bring On Your Gratitude

by Michael Feeley
MAKE A CHOICE to bring gratitude and appreciation into your life daily. Whenever you feel gratitude share it immediately. Unexpressed gratitude is a killer. It’s against life and justice.
We’ve been taught to keep our feelings to ourselves. Keep our heads down, stay in line, study hard, do your work, follow the rules, look out for yourself. Emotions of gratitude are not professional. Your thanks and care for others is a waste and makes some people feel uncomfortable.
That’s status quo criticism, coldness, and superiority. It’s an outdated, harmful nonsensical mindset. Especially after a year of living with a pandemic, many people are grateful to be alive and now receiving vaccinations.
We, the people, want to express gratitude. We’re looking for change personally and professionally, and some of us are working and insisting things be different. That there be justice socially, racially, economically+++
Gratitude is an extraordinary and imperative cultural change-maker and healer.
Heartfelt appreciation for other people’s lives, work, and contributions help us live better lives.
Gratitude unites people. It promotes respect, growth, and learning.
Gratitude is real power, strength, and love.
It’s your choice.
Thanks – Michael
Please share this post and your gratitude with many people.
I think you will also like this – Choose Gratitude Over Resentment.
#406 (photo – Island of St. Lucia)