Celebrate Yourself and Your Skills

by Michael Feeley
Whether you are 50, 60, 70, or 80+, I want you to recognize your worth and the wealth of knowledge you possess. You are relevant. You matter. Your years do not limit you; they empower you, and you have the potential to make more significant contributions to the world. You are not defined by your age but by the impact you can make until reality says – “Times Up.”
With all my heart, I hope you see and feel the value of who you are and what you do. Please take the time to know, reassess, and renew your ‘self’ with yourself and then generously share it with others.
Study and understand the intense value of who you are. Know confidently that all your skills are transferable to any other job or career you choose. You have the resilience and adaptability to thrive in any new environment. Spot and create your opportunities.
Your abilities, gifts, talents, credentials, knowledge, life experiences, core values, connections, collaborations, successes, and even failures matter in a lasting way.
Your skills are valuable, needed, and desired by many people. They are exceptional, indispensable, and the foundation for a new and fulfilling career, doing work you are proud of, work that matters.
You have put your whole life into your skills with all kinds of hard and loving work.
Celebrate yourself and your worth.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also key – Skills and Values.