Birdbaths are Kind

by Michael Feeley
EVERY DAY I watch birds come and go from my birdbath early in the morning to late evening, and they have a ball,
drinking, and splashing around.
It makes for such happiness and gratitude watching all different types of birds visiting this small shallow pool.
I was surprised to see how kind birdbaths are. They’re not just decorative objects in your yard but also serve an important purpose – helping birds keep cool, inside and out, as they sip up water and wash their feathers of dirt and parasites.
Birdbaths have existed since Roman times.
Then I started to think about other things that we take for granted that are also kind.
Doorbells – letting you know someone is at your door and cameras too for security.
Recycling – separating cans, bottles, plastics, and cardboard to care for the environment.
Timers – as you cook something or pre soak a stain in a piece of clothing or fabric.
Keyrings – holding all the essential keys you need.
Charging meters – on electric cars, razors, and toothbrushes let you know you need more energy for them to work well.
Vacuum cleaners, flower vases, refillable pens and pencils, locks, umbrellas, reusable shopping bags…
What do you see as surprisingly kind that you are now just seeing?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily and see if it helps people see kindness in new places.
This is also important – Self Kindness is Crucial to Your Welfare.