You’re the Bee’s Knees

by Michael Feeley
THE BEE’S KNEES is a fun and important phrase. It’s just like ‘the cat’s pajamas.’
It means you’re admired – outstanding – someone or something of excellence and high standards.
Bees are the world’s top pollinators – transferring grains of pollen from one plant to another, fertilizing and creating new growth with fruit and seeds. What a vital and magnificent job bees have!
The phrase ‘bee’s knees’ means sweet and good because the knees of the bee are where all the nectar from plants is collected by sticking to their legs.
They might be tiny knees, but the work bees do with those knees is significant.
Please take it as a profound compliment when someone says – “You’re the bee’s knees.”
Who in your life do you call ‘the bee’s knees’ and why?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily with your hive.
I think this also matters – Gifts and Giving.