Your Well-Being

by Michael Feeley
NOTHING IS MORE important than your emotional and physical well-being, no matter what spotlight is shining on you.
It means knowing yourself so well that you say NO when something is not right. You stop because you don’t want to hurt yourself or others.
> Tennis pro Naomi Osaka withdrew from the French Open – “I think we can almost universally agree that each of us is a human being and subject to feelings and emotions… It’s OK not to be OK.”
> Gymnast Simone Biles stepped away from competition in the Tokyo Olympics – “I have to do what’s right for me and focus on my mental health and… well-being.”
> Basketball star Kevin Love – “We are all walking around with experiences and struggles – all kinds of things… But creating a better environment for talking about mental health… that’s where we need to get to.”
> Opera singer Renee Fleming – “I have had a very difficult time with stage fright; it undermines your well-being and peace of mind, and it can also threaten your livelihood.”
These people, like many others, diligently care for themselves with the right amount of sleep and privacy, working with life coaches and therapists to know themselves better so they can live integrated lives with peace of mind and heart.
They have the courage and empathy to talk about their questions openly because they’re compelled to help others feel connected and understood, generously using their lives to promote change because mental health matters!
It’s strength and wisdom.
Thanks – Michael (he,him)
(photo – tennis pro – Naomi Osaka – Google image Essence)
Please share his post with many others to promote well-being of minds and hearts.
I think this matters too – Goodwill is Human Service.