Your Choice for Steady Goodwill

by Michael Feeley
WE EACH HAVE infinite possibilities in us and the unlimited ability to make positive, good choices for how we live and
the effect we hope to have on other people.
– Living life is not thinking about people on and off…
– Maybe choosing goodwill now and then…
– Feeling empathy only on Tuesdays at 5:20 pm for 10 minutes…
– Loving someone once and a while…
– Caring partially for the work you do…
– Justice a little bit here and there…
You have the powerful and tender gift of choice – the freedom to choose and commit to how you think – feel – encourage – act – love others. It will always be either positive or negative.
You’re built to have steady goodwill – the consistent choice to have a good effect on something, another human being,
a group, all people and understanding what that good effect will be and then making that good effect happen.
Goodwill creates change.
You can choose to be an integrity engine and live every minute of your life being one way – true to your ‘self’ and
all others with generosity and kindness, and that is also fierce and fair stuff.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with your tribes to promote goodwill.
I think you’ll like this too – Goodwill is Human Service.