You Have Potential

by Michael Feeley
SITTING ON MY desk is an acorn with its cap and branch.
It has been with me for 30+ years. I remember when and where I found it.
It’s a compact seed that reminds me I have something mighty and important inside me, and I must nurture it – love it –
never give up on it – even when other people doubt my belief, commitment and skills because I know what I dream of and yearn for will happen if I put my heart and hard work into it.
Power – possibility – pleasure – promise is in this little nut.
The 14th-century proverb says:
“Tall oaks from little acorns grow.”
What potential you have!
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please send out this Daily to your tribes and crack open potential in people.
I think this matters too – Create Opportunities for Growth.
#725 (photo by Me – Michael Feeley – Yes! This is the real acorn.)