You Can Always Count on Change

by Michael Feeley
CHANGE IS HAPPENING all the time. It’s one of the most constant things in the world. You can always count on change.
You experience change whether you want to change or not.
You also have the power to decide on change because you want something different for yourself and maybe other people.
You can talk about change, dream about it, wish for it, and nothing will happen until you Commit2Change –
taking action to build a doable change plan for what you want.
Choices – Commitment – Change Plan – are what I teach.
> I’m a catalyst for change.
> Motivator for change.
> Encourager for change.
> Celebrator for change.
> Champion for change – showing up to do my best and supporting others to do their ultimate best.
Change is ready for you at any time.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily and see what change it creates.
I also like this for you – Tell a Different Story and Change the Culture.
#714 (Thanks Cece Schweitzer for this glorious sunset photo on the Caribbean Island of Saba! What does this say about constant change?)