You Can Adapt!

by Michael Feeley
I AM CONSTANTLY surprised to see how a seed is determined to grow anywhere.
What energy it has! What innate, organic world power and desire a tiny spore has to adapt to a concrete crevice
to grow and prosper!
It’s a seeds job – their purpose on this earth – and they make themselves at home!
We can learn from this.
Learn to adapt to any life situation – deal – change – thrive – flourish – be who we are – show our gifts and beauty –
like the fern living out of a crack in a step. Nature is an awe-inspiring leader and teacher!
It’s a choice you make to turn a hard place into an opportunity.
We can live in a variety of ways and places with all the challenges the world presents us with. It’s life.
Grow for it!
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Understanding is What We Each Want.
#749 (photo – by me – Michael Feeley – I live on an island. It’s a rock in the ocean. I’m like this fern and doing so well!)