Words and the Opposites Explain Us

by Michael Feeley
As a coach and writer, I’m interested in words and how people express themselves.
I especially love synonyms because of the variety of possibilities they offer – words that have similar meanings but are also different. The opposites are wildly active here – sameness and difference as well as one and many.
Gratitude, appreciation, thanks, liking.
Cold, unfriendly, inhospitable, unsympathetic.
I also like antonyms – words that describe the opposite.
Night and day, happy and sad, work and play, generous and selfish.
What do these parts of speech have to do with us as people?
How are we, as human beings, the same and different? Women compared to men. Different cultures that are living on the same planet and working to be happy.
How are we one and many? We are one individual with many different sides and aspects. A person can be a CFO, woman, partner or wife, parent, mother, daughter, and self.
We can be for and against things—for equality and against discrimination.
Please observe how words explain each of us and how present the opposites are.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Words Can Change You.