Who Are You? What Do You Want?

by Michael Feeley
What are the things that go into being who you are?
You know plenty of facts, and others also know some specifics about you, but are you crystal clear about them?
Where can you still increase your ‘self’ by adding new things or taking some things away that don’t help you be who you desire to be, such as unjust anger, prejudice, selfishness, and cruelty?
What music is you? What books, artists, movies, food, people, events, values, beliefs+++
Verdi’s opera La Traviata is me – piano and cello music – a great bottle of Sancerre white wine – ocean views – Chekhov’s play Three Sisters – documentary films – being an anti-racist – love and marriage – gardening – yellow roses – recycling – organization – getting and giving quality service – gay rights – meditation – caring about health – expressing gratitude – integrity.
See what I’m saying? Specific commitments, wants, needs, and decisions are the facts and truth about who you are and help you know yourself.
Your magnificent details also enable you to understand what you want for your life. The yes and the no – will and won’t – like and dislike.
Never accept limitations, be it physical, emotional, or intellectual. You are greater than you can possibly imagine.
There is always more to learn about self and world, and that creates the change I believe we are all looking for.
Who Am I?
What Do I want?
These are two of the most loving and crucial questions to answer so you can live your best life.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also for you – Respect and Celebrate Your Self.