Where Have I Been?

by Michael Feeley
Nearly 10 years ago we were visiting St. Martin to get away from the brutal, cold winter of New York City. The warmth, Caribbean turquoise blue ocean and white beaches were spectacular!
We were thinking about buying something (because it was an easy place to get to) but it was too much of a tourist trap for us. By chance we spotted a boat with “Saba” on the back. What was Saba?
It turned out to be a near-by island that we actually could see from St. Martin. We jumped on the internet and from what we saw, Saba was unique and pretty unknown and we set our sail to visit for 2 weeks over Christmas and New Years.
What a surprise Saba was!
Driving from the airport to Windwardside Village, we were captivated by this little known Dutch Caribbean island.
5 square miles… one great road… about 2,000 people and gorgeous scenery! Rough, dramatic terrain with lush, green vegetation. Nature was abundant. Unspoiled. One of the big things that sold us on Saba immediately, along with its friendly community.
We saw that diversity and life choices were respected here. Many different nationalities of people living and working together. Open and free. We felt comfortable and welcomed by the people of Saba. We were experiencing something unique – living in the acceptance of life. The way life should be.
Before we left, we bought property because we knew we’d be moving to Saba.
Imagine… it was pure luck, maybe providence that we saw that boat which enabled us to find our new home.
Knock Knock
While renovating our house people would come by to ask questions about design and building because Albert was in the design business for years and knew an incredible amount about architecture, construction, selling and buying homes.
They wanted to know what we thought their house was worth or the value of a piece of family land. We looked at rental and sale leases. We helped people redesign their shops, ordered furniture, worked on landscaping. It was good to be useful and also fun.
One day there was a knock at our front gate. Two men walked in and said they had been told in town that we were the only people on Saba who could sell their hotel property ‘Shearwater’ (a mammoth, white, concrete estate high up on the side of the hill near us.) Well, we talked it all through and said… why not try! As we closed the front gate, we looked at each other and said — “I guess we’re in the real estate business.”
It was a complete surprise to us. We hadn’t planned on running a business but in a flash we went from retirees to business owners. We changed our destiny (added to it actually) and the choice has been a winner.
I love my work
Teaching people about this gorgeous island and investing in a home – land – a business – vacation rentals is invigorating. We’re so proud of. We call it Sabatude and express what we do like this:
Creating a Caribbean lifestyle for a week or… a lifetime
I’m thrilled to see that both my work as a Life Coach and… Real Estate Agent blend amazingly well together because:
“Finding a home in this world – a place where you belong; feel safe and respected – is directly related to how you want to feel about your self – being at home with who you truly are. For me the two are inseparable!”
Studying – growing – inspiring You
I’m a lifelong learner and along the way I’ve been taking lots of classes and participating in workshops:
- Seth Godin’s Akimbo Workshops
- The Marketing Seminar with Seth Godin (to help me understand today’s marketing)
- The Integrity Cleanse with Martha Beck (Because integrity is the most crucial thing in my life and work)
- The Freelancers Workshop and The Bootstapper’s Workshop (helping me stay on top of my career coaching work and learning how to build your own business)
- The Story Skills Workshop with Bernadette Jiwa
- The Real Skills Conference
- The Creative’s Workshop with Seth Godin (where I have the honor to be selected as a Group Leader)+++
Talk about changing your life!
Through my blog posts, social posts and mailings I’m eagerly sharing all that I’ve learned because all this knowledge matters and how it changes the lives of people I work with, needs to be spread around.
Commit2Change is my new project where three times each week I’m writing and shipping work to people all around the world – ideas and questions on change, gratitude, choices, dreams, careers, happiness, life coaching and how these topics can enhance all our lives… right now and into the future.
When you join our mailing list you’ll receive:
♦ A specific and valuable quotation and photo… or
♦ A short Blog post (for quick reading) … or
♦ A longer article (to linger with)
Monday + Wednesday + Friday
And — if you do not wish to take part, that is perfectly OK. You can opt out right away. I respect your time and will never interrupt you with spam. I am committed to earning your permission to connect and interact with you.
Your trust and attention is the most valuable thing I can ask for. I am optimistic that what you’ll read from me will be useful – encouraging ideas – and choices you’ve been looking for that meet your hopes and wishes about changing something in your life so you can live better and be happier.
So – this is a synopsis of what I’ve been up to and where I’m headed. I hope you’ll join me on my journey to help you create change and live life fully… on purpose and with joy!
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My very best — Michael