What’s Your Value?

by Michael Feeley
You have value by being alive and doing something specific; it could be your work.
What is your value as you see it?
What do you offer people that is helpful to their lives?
Yes. It is a big question, but have some bottomless, explicit fun with this. You have answers.
Get a piece of paper and a pen and write down your answer so it’s tangible. State the facts about your value and why you matter because you do matter.
What skills do you have?
What attitudes do you have?
What benefits do you offer people who work with you and buy your product and services?
I have value because _______________.
These are my value reasons. The truth about me. The facts that say what my value is for other people.
I’m a coach. I help people solve problems and create positive, sustainable change in their lives and work.
I’m not for everyone. I work with people in their 50s and 60s (men and women) who want to revitalize their present jobs, who want to reinvent themselves, who have all kinds of meaningful, beautiful skills and life experiences but feel stuck and afraid because they don’t see that all their skills are transferable to nearly every other job, career, profession and vocation they want to shift into.
I work with executives, leaders, creatives, entrepreneurs, mothers, and fathers looking to return to the workforce, reigniting careers they put on hold, going back to school for more learning and degrees after raising a family, and eager to share their value in specific ways with particular people and businesses.
I have 20 years of experience in the acting and music industry, recruiting and job placement, sales, building business and relations, and 15 years working as a professional coach. I’ve reinvited myself several times over, and it’s worked.
These facts are all part of my value. Work I’m proud of. Work I know has had a good effect on many other people.
Have a great, good time describing your particular value. Shine all over the place and create change. Make a difference that only your value can make.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Are You Doing Work You Love?