What is Success for You?

by Michael Feeley
There are certain standards and systems in place that people use to judge and evaluate worth. This reflects the status quo mindset—essentially, the way things are. However, this doesn’t mean those judgments are true.
– Just because you haven’t performed on Broadway doesn’t mean you’re not a talented actor.
– Similarly, not winning a gold, silver, or bronze medal at the Olympics doesn’t equate to failure; you remain an Olympian, a competitor in the Olympic Games.
– If you don’t get named to the New York Times Best Seller List, it doesn’t mean you’re not a great author with value impacting people’s lives.
– Not yet listed in Wikipedia? So what. There is Selfipedia.
See what I’m saying about the status quo standard and judgment regarding your personal and professional success?
Please define what success and happiness is for you.
What makes you feel valued?
What is your truth?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily with your tribes.
This also matters – Get Rid of Resistance – Honor Your Success.