What Has Value Now?

by Michael Feeley
CHANGE IS HAPPENING in our lives and work, and we’re taking on new values.
Once the address where you worked was meaningful – your job title – the labels you wore – restaurants where you ate – where you vacation – how and where you live – who your clients are+++
Some of these things – symbols and affiliations – are less important now because of different statuses for what people want and what makes you feel truly important.
What works now?
An efficient 15-minute Zoom meeting or a rendezvous with private jets in a famous place for lots of dollars?
What is valuable now?
What about how you use your time and where you focus your attention?
Many people work superbly well remotely from home, having more success and happiness than in a crowded open office cubicle space. That’s a new value (personally and professionally), and companies that want to continue to prosper should listen to what their employees want and see what is working.
Some old personal status symbols don’t work anymore. So they’re going such as vanity cars, luxury handbags, and expensive hotel rooms.
Success today is about the value of knowing people. Caring. Being generous. It’s essential to dig in and have empathy.
Not judging by statistics or status alone but by heart and sincerely asking:
> Who are you, my client?
> What do you need and want?
> What problems can I solve for you, so you feel good?
> How can I be of service?
‘It used to be like this’ attitudes and norms no longer work—instead, people have found and created new values that represent them.
Look around – What is new that is working now that we can learn from and live by for greater happiness and success?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This matters too – Do Your Work.