What Happens When You Get What You Want?

by Michael Feeley
WILL YOU BE profoundly grateful, celebrate, and cherish your good fortune?
Will you screw it up? Deliberately damage your success and happiness with narrow, insignificant thoughts, fears, and doubts, and keep stalling, faking away, and limiting yourself.
Will you let resistance convince you that you don’t deserve success, and because it didn’t come exclusively from you, it’s not for you, so you’ll sink it?
It’s ridiculous, but it happens.
People throw away their dreams because they want the power to control – to say yes or no – to decide to be grateful or ungrateful – happy or miserable on their terms.
A real estate client hired us to sell a big piece of property and find other agents to work with us. We found another top-level, highly respected company; now, the client has questions.
It’s like getting a contract to sing on Broadway, and you’re not sure it’s right for you now.
How is resistance working for you and against you?
Where are you willing to change, compromise, yield to get to your goal – your dream – and make it work?
Where do you prefer sabotage over having other people and the world come through for you?
“It’s better to be in the arena, getting stomped by the bull, than to be up in the stands or out in the parking lot.”
― Steven Pressfield, The War of Art: Winning the Inner Creative Battle.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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I like this for you also – For and Against.