What a Gift Choice Is

by Michael Feeley
WE ALL HAVE the freedom of choice.
Your ability to make choices is both conscious and unconscious. You’re aware and unaware that you are making choices.
It seems choices are unavoidable.
I can do this, or I can do that.
I’ll set the alarm and get up at 6 am or maybe 6:15 am.
Let me think – how did I let that happen?
How come I like the color blue so much and detest orange?
I’ll have breakfast at work before the meeting instead of at home.
Why did I ever watch that movie?
I’m taking the job at ‘Automattic’ because I can work from home or wherever I like.
Choice is chock full of freedom, options, possibilities, and opportunities.
What a gift choice is.
Treasure it.
Exploit choices to make things better for your life and others.
Be wise about your choices. They have consequences. They help, or they harm.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with many others (see the choice you have).
This is also key – Choices Matter and Make a Difference.