Weeds Don’t Judge

by Michael Feeley
“Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.” – A.A. Milne
Weeds are usually defined as undesirable plants – unwanted – troublesome – in the wrong place – and we go after destroying them.
They also have value because they offer shelter, stopping erosion by covering and replenishing bare soil in controlled areas by farmers and gardeners.
In addition, some weeds have significant health benefits.
Weeds matter.
The more profound and obvious point here is about judgment.
– How do we each see and treat difference?
– What choices do we make to be positive or negative – to show respect or contempt – labeling what is good or bad – acceptable and unacceptable to situations, cultures, beliefs, people, and how we each choose to live our lives.
– How does getting to know something create a good change of mind and heart?
I know some beautiful weeds. (You can see that from my photo here).
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This matters too – Describe Not Discriminate.