The Choice and Skill of Generosity

by Michael Feeley
ONE OF YOUR most valuable choices is generosity.
How generous do you want to be?
How much does it matter that you’re seen as a generous person?
What does it mean to be generous?
Open-hearted and open-minded…
Generosity is a skill that you can learn, and most often, it includes giving genuine and deep thought to
what another human being deserves.
Ask yourself – What does another person deserve from you?
It is not just about giving a gift or money. It’s about natural care, which may be the most honest way to be generous
by letting someone know – “I see you. I hear you. You are not alone. You matter.”
And be aware – As you do good for others, you, as the giver, also benefit from the exchange.
Why not give – give – give – without limit and see what happens.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Celebrate Life Often.