Start to Finish

by Michael Feeley
I THINK THESE three choices – commit – start – finish – make for our happiness and success personally and professionally.
If you’re looking for a change, achieving something new and different, or maintaining something for yourself and your work,
it starts with committing to what you want and knowing why.
For example, maybe finding a new job is your goal.
So you commit to renovating your resume, sending it out, and getting interviews.
Nothing will happen until you start, follow through, and finish by getting a new job.
You decide to work from beginning to end.
The same with Blogging – steadily writing and publishing your work for other people to read and benefit from,
and that is the finish. (This process should go on for years until you achieve your dream.)
It’s true about anything – podcasting, dieting, learning a new computer skill, building a relationship, creating a bank account, finding a daycare center, cooking a meal, cleaning your house, traveling, catching up on emails – Commit – Start – Finish.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with your tribes… start to finish.
I think this matters too – Start Fresh Anytime.