Preparing for People

by Michael Feeley
I’M HAVING GUESTS visit for a couple of days, and I’m preparing – thinking deeply and joyfully about seeing them and
what will make them happy and comfortable.
I feel pleasure and gratitude most for all the details of preparing their room, shopping for food and drink, an adventure or two exploring someplace, lunch or dinner out at a special restaurant.
I’m learning this right now – why wait to prepare for people to visit when you can always think about what will make another person happy, whether you see them or not—the quality of your thought counts – doing the emotional labor of understanding.
What kind of thought does any person deserve from you?
What are they hoping for and dreaming for their lives?
What might be their concerns?
Whether a person shows up at your house or not, you can always do the empathetic work to like how you have a person in your mind and heart. People like us do things like this.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also useful – Two Choices – Two Kinds of People.