Two Choices – Two Kinds of People

by Michael Feeley
BRAVE AND WISE people make choices to criticize themselves accurately. They desire to change and improve themselves and work at it – to be the best they can be.
They have empathy for others – genuine interest, and warmth for people, and they put themselves and their needs second.
Their way is kind, generous, and caring. They’re in the sunlight, open, not hiding inside, in the shadows.
Truth and justice, and personal integrity matter to them.
Then we have another group who are selfish and care-less.
They manipulate the truth. They control people.
They point fingers – complaining about others getting in their way, interrupting their privacy and concerns – blamers – accusers – steeped in subterfuge, who won’t hold themselves accountable for anything.
There is no self-criticism.
They’re determined to have their way – ruthless, brash, cold, angry in their thoughts and actions, making themselves the center of the world. Their comfort and needs are paramount. It’s a dangerous and painful way to live.
Both behaviors are choices, and they have consequences (positive and negative) for you and others, maybe for the people you love most and for your own mental and physical wellness.
Call it payback – karma – retribution – cause and effect – action and reaction – whatever you do will come back at you.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Respect and Contempt has Consequences.