Practice Commitment

by Michael Feeley
COMMITMENT CAN BE a scary word and thing to do.
However, you can commit to commitment.
You can practice commitment just as you would commit and practice learning a language, learning a new computer program, learning how to dive, grooming your dog, dancing the tango, being in a long-term relationship, showing up to work on time, and doing your ultimate best work all the time.
Commitment is a yes or no choice.
Yes, I can and will commit to this fully.
No, I won’t or can’t commit to this.
You might already be good at vanishing into non-commitment – waffling – sitting on the fence – failing to make up your mind.
So why not change that, take action and practice commitment and see what happens?
Committing to commitment can become a natural, easy, pleasurable choice and way to live.
Where have you been successful and happy at committing to someone or something?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily with your tribes.
This is important too – Change Requires Commitment.