Practice Change

by Michael Feeley
You make up your mind to do something different in your life – to add something or take it away.
You create a plan and start to work at change. You’re in training for change.
You intend to practice change daily to get where you want to go. Sometimes, it means practicing every minute. (Small choices and small steps are good.)
An essential part of change is knowing what stops you – what gets in your way – and what blocks you from completing your change.
Practice helps you get good at change.
> What if you see change as a skill you want to master to become good at change?
> When have you practiced change and succeeded? (Use that as your measuring stick.)
You will find your way into change. You always do when you want something badly enough. Be patient and kind to yourself as you practice change.
You also don’t need to practice by yourself. Get some help with change.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is useful too – Practice Yourself and Practice Living.