Play On

by Michael Feeley
EVERY DAY I watch several sparrows flying around and playing with each other in trees, and bushes, sitting on telephone wires, splashing in a birdbath, chirping, and chirping. They are so happy, connected, and carefree, and it goes on all day.
You get caught up in their joy.
It makes me realize how important play is and how it is a choice – doing something you love because it gives you pleasure.
Play can happen at any time in life. Not just for children who know how to play well but for anyone.
You can play by yourself or play with others.
The biggest game I know to play is the game of life, and I believe we should each do our best to play it right.
As Shakespeare says – “… play on.”
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please play on and share my Daily with others.
This is also relevant – Play the Game… Do the Work.