Overwhelmed Can Be Transformative

by Michael Feeley
THE WORD OVERWHELMED is following me around. It comes up in my coaching work, and several people I know have been talking about feeling overwhelmed with work, family, and relationships.
Overwhelmed has two meanings – one that points at the negative feelings of overpowered, challenged, daunted, swamped by something such as learning new skills, settling into a new job – feelings that can lock you down and even numb you with fear or confusion.
There’s the positive flip side to overwhelmed – where you’re saturated with goodness, overwhelmed by support, or emotions of joy, gratitude, love.
Overwhelmed can have transformation and confidence in it as you rise to a challenge and work your way through it to feel calm and comfortable with the once unfamiliar and new.
It’s a choice to feel overwhelmed – a mindset that you can let control you or – be in charge and find a solution – get results – change overwhelm into something better.
Thanks – Michael
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