Overwhelm is a Choice

by Michael Feeley
LIFE GETS HECTIC, and overwhelm is part of living.
Overwhelm is both positive and negative. Amazing and awful. You can feel over the moon or swamped with frustration.
I think about the overwhelming desire to laugh, being overwhelmed with gratitude and support, along with feeling stressed
by work, trying to learn something new, keeping up and the overwhelm of our pandemic.
Overwhelm is a choice. You can see it as a gift or a sabotage where you choose to stay locked down and overcome, or
you make a better choice and actively work through overwhelm to feel free, to get out of pain, to earn relief, and feel peaceful, calm, centered, untroubled, winning, successful.
Overwhelm is transformative.
How will you allow overwhelm to change you? For better or for worse?
See the opportunity of overwhelm?
See the choice available to you – to get over overwhelmed into overjoyed?
Thanks – Michael
Please send this post to study and change overwhelm into positive energy.
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