Not Changing

by Michael Feeley
Institutional inertia is a new phrase for me. It sounds metallic and intimidating.
It means there will be no change. This is how we do things in this organization and company. That’s the culture. We will remain at rest, or if we are moving, we will continue down the same path.
This choice of inertia involves resistance, rules, and constraints. There is hardly any growth or learning; there is only endless observation, analysis, and meetings without a result of change or improvement.
Awareness of this idea and process for maintaining the status quo, governing human interaction with historical, social, political, and psychological inertia, already creates some change. That’s the good news.
The next step is to act with others to create positive change out of inertia. To invest in change by knowing what you want and why, personally and professionally. Unless you like being stuck. Think you can’t change or don’t want to change.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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