Love – Gratitude – Generosity – Goodwill

by Michael Feeley
I’M THINKING ABOUT what matters most to me in life and why – love – gratitude – generosity – goodwill;
having a good effect on people; hoping that good things happen to others and never expecting anything in return.
If I can be that agent for positive change, then I’m happy, and my life has some value.
Here are playful and profound words that I love by the Persian poet Hafiz because they express core values of who I am and how I try to live my life. A good life.
“Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, ‘you owe me!’
Look what happens with a love like that; it lights up the whole sky.”
Thanks – Michael (he,him)
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I hope you like this too – Goodwill is Human Service.