Judgments – Your Way My Way

by Michael Feeley
YOU MAY HAVE sudden opinions and judgments if you live with someone, work with various people, or observe politics, finances, and cultural circumstances.
Too often, I unfairly use my personal values as the standard of what is best – “Why put your shoes here? They belong in the closet. Please send the email yourself with your question. Why ask me to do it? Why would you act this way as President?”
I obliterate the opportunity to understand how someone else sees the world – the why and caring interest of knowing them, their viewpoints, and their actions.
Their choices may differ from mine, which doesn’t make them right or wrong.
My judgments usually put me at the heart of being disrespectful and superior, thinking my way is better.
To be non-judgmental, I choose to move away from my ego to that sacred and respectful place of seeing other people for who they truly are – remarkable, beautiful, unique, perfect energy forces, powerful human beings living the best way they know how in a pretty amazing and weird world.
Whenever I judge unfairly, I ask questions like these to help myself be kinder to others.
– What can I learn from the choices and ways of other people?
– What’s right and wrong with my thinking and reactions?
– What’s right or wrong got to do with it?
– What can I replace my judgments with?
– How am I both the same and different from this person?
– What happens if you flip the judgments back on yourself and make them about you?
– What happens when you remove unjust judgments from your life?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also key – What’s Your View of the World?