Have Fun Changing

by Michael Feeley
SOMETIMES THE WORD change gets in the way of you starting a change because it creates fear. It’s scary to change and
it takes work.
Here are 3 suggestions to have some fun beginning the change you hope for:
1. Look up all the synonyms for the word ‘CHANGE.’ Then find one you like. Consciously use it to create the new change you want. Like this – ‘Today I’m going to ‘VARY’ the way I exercise. Or – ‘I’m ‘MODIFYING’ the way I only think about myself and focusing on helping other people.’
2. Write down all the alternative words and possibilities for the ‘change’ you want, cut them into strips, put them in a jar, pull one out each day and live that change all day long.
3. Bake fortune cookies and put a motto for change in each cookie. Give them out to friends and tell them what you’re doing. Maybe it will help them transform and help you change about trying to change all by yourself!
These are creative ideas to assist you with change, which is your friend.
Change is a choice, and choice is our greatest freedom.
Self-help author Tony Robbins explains it like this:
“By changing nothing, nothing changes.”
Thanks – Michael
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