Have a Renaissance Now

by Michael Feeley
YOU CAN HAVE yourself a renaissance any time you want.
Renaissance is French for rebirth and revival.
Renewed interest in learning and wisdom.
Rejuvenate >
Regenerate >
Reawaken >
Reinvent >
Renew >
Reset >
All words I relate to as I mature because I’m not ready to retire or retreat but to retain with regard because my life experience and knowledge are relevant.
Renaissance means respecting human values – self-belief – dignity for people’s knowledge – a willingness to understand, explore, and to welcome change.
Renaissance is an exciting opportunity and choice to make.
Renaissance is current. Something to live with now and to build upon at any moment.
We should also look at rebel and revolution!
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily with your tribes.
I think this is important too – I’m a Modern Elder.