Gratitude is Caring

by Michael Feeley
TODAY I HAD to get rid of my favorite pair of sandals because they just wore out. It was emotional because I cared for them, and it got me thinking about gratitude for my ‘Olukai Footwear’ sandals and all they did for me.
Before I placed them in the recycling bin, I held them and thanked them for their steady, useful kindness to me (my feet)
for a long time. They had meaning and made an important difference in my life.
We can acknowledge our gratitude for everything we have and use.
– A can that held solid white meat Bumble Bee tuna.
– A box from Amazon containing a product we ordered.
– A garden hose – power washer – reusable grocery bags – electric fan – stainless steel pet fountain for our cat ‘Newbie’
to have fresh water whenever he wants it – instructions for a new computer.
Things matter.
We should honor objects and people with real gratitude because we care, and they deserve it.
It’s a choice to care.
A choice to be grateful.
Gratitude is caring and caring is gratitude.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with your tribes.
This is good to think on too – Care Less – Careless – Caring.