Gratitude for Precious Rain

by Michael Feeley
IT’S EARLY MORNING, and I hear the rain on the roof.
When I step outside, I feel the gentle rain on my face, and I see how happy and alive the garden plants are because of the rain.
Rain makes me profoundly grateful. It’s part of the wonder of nature, an element of the weather that does its job very well – watering and cleaning the earth, filling lakes, rivers, cisterns, pools, birdbaths.
Sometimes we don’t mind the rain. We like the change and other times we’re annoyed because it ruined our plans –
maybe a trip, a wedding day, sports events, parades, drying laundry+++
I live on an island where we depend on cisterns for our water so rain from the heavens is gold.
We’re cautious about how we use water, consciously choosing not to let the water run while we wash dishes, turning the water off while we soap up in the shower, and then quickly rinsing off, doing laundry. We never waste water. It’s a habit we practice and like. You should try it.
Water is precious, and because of climate changes, it should be even more valuable and cared for by everyone.
Be grateful for the rain. Acknowledge the gifts rain offers us.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with others and see how we can all value rain and water more.
This is also important – Singin’ In The Rain.