Enabler and Empowerer

by Michael Feeley
WE EACH CAN be an enabler for good or bad.
Enablers choose to assist or help someone (or something) to either be at their best or not – to be strong or weak –
proud or ashamed – appreciative or angry.
Enablers support and lead so other people can accomplish their goals.
Enablers teach people how to do things for themselves – freeing their talents and skills.
Enablers express gratitude for people’s actions, successes, and even failures and the hope to keep trying.
Enablers often need to be tough – forceful – willing to say NO and mean it without compromise. It’s the best form of care.
It’s goodwill.
“I will not enable you to sell yourself out – to hurt yourself and others.”
Enabling unproductive, unhealthy, addictive behavior is harmful – encouraging negative choices, providing excuses, avoiding healthy confrontations because you think you are helping someone when you’re not insisting a person take responsibility for their actions.
You become an accessary instead of an empowerer.
Empowerers enable others to reach the highest levels of personal and professional development.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also may interest you – Goodwill is a Choice to Live By.