Don’t Hold Back Thanks

by Michael Feeley
RECENTLY I WAS told I thank people for their work too much, and it encourages people to relax, get comfortable and not work as hard.
I don’t see it this way.
Gratitude – Appreciation – Thanks – is essential to productivity because it shows how much you value other people and their work.
Receiving specific thanks for your work builds confidence, respect, and pride in yourself and encourages you to do more,
be happier, and help others.
Why hold back from telling the truth and strengthening another person with honest praise – letting them know you see and hear who they are and that what they do matters.
Don’t hold back Thanks. Instead, be generous and thoughtful. Share your gratitude immediately and frequently in person, an email, on Slack, on the phone, a video call, a testimonial, a handwritten note, and even a gift.
Gratitude shows people they have meaning, and it also has a powerful positive good effect on you.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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