Create Your Opportunities

by Michael Feeley
WHEN YOU WANT something, you find a way to get it. You create the opportunity.
If you want take-out food, call, and it’s delivered.
If you want to audition for a play but it’s only an actor’s union call (and you’re not in the union yet), you’ll figure out a way to be seen because it matters.
Meeting desires, living dreams, and achieving goals are not accidents. They take strategic planning, and the number of creative possibilities available to you are unlimited and exciting to work on as you build your opportunity.
In 1976, Katharine Hepburn starred on Broadway in the play A Matter of Gravity. She was a big hero of mine, and I wanted to meet her. I went to the stage door and talked to the stage manager, who told me she never sees people after the performance.
Well – That didn’t derail me. I bought a ticket to the show, hand-delivered a bouquet of flowers backstage with a note about how she was a hero to me in acting, and asked if I could meet her to say hello. Again, the stage manager said it wouldn’t happen.
Back I went after the show, and the stage manager said – “Please wait Mr. Feeley. Miss Hepburn will see you.”
It was an astonishing meeting. Katharine Hepburn was beautiful! Gracious, kind, and beyond generous living in full integrity.
See what I’m saying about creating opportunities? Where there’s a will, there’s a way. And the will must be accompanied by a sincere desire to succeed, steeped in respect, gratitude, and goodwill for everyone and everything involved.
I have created opportunities with teachers I wanted to study with – thought leaders and companies I wanted to work with – jobs I burned to be hired for – and places where I wanted my writings published.
Sure. Opportunity will also knock at your door, and you’d better be ready to deliver the goods, to step into what you have been hoping for, working at, and yearning for.
Don’t ever wait for things to come your way – Create Opportunities – Be Confident – Use All of Your Imagination – Vision It Happening with Endless Details.
I live by these words of Dr. Martha Beck. They are true. They describe many moments in my life.
”An opportunity always looks like a lucky break.
It happens when you encounter the possibility of making a huge jump
toward the life your essential self wants to live.”
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also vital – Hold Fast to Dreams.