Create or Forget Inspiration

by Michael Feeley
WHAT DO YOU do with inspiration – act on it or let it go and forget it?
We are all creative – writers – gardeners – teachers – business owners – housekeepers – parents – human beings+++
When you think of something you want – something you have to do because it matters, must be worked on and completed – do you go after making it happen with all of your creative juices, or do you let it ride and vanish?
I make a choice and take action on my creative desires – coaching, gardening, writing and posting daily, spending quality time with my partner, organizing, and more. I’m driven by my ideas and dreams and love doing the work to make a project happen. I’m in the flow, free, not busy or caught up in time.
Creativity is a process and service for me – doing something that will make things in my life and others’ lives better.
How much does a particular flower pot in a specific location with ideal plants make a difference? I believe it does.
The same is true in Life Coaching – when the right questions are asked, they enable a person to feel understood and
released from blocks and limiting beliefs and then see their way forward to doing what they dream and hope for most.
Creativity is caring enough to try, even if you fail, doing it with positive, generous energy and making a change.
Please take action on your creativity.
Trust yourself.
Express yourself.
Fulfill yourself in some way.
Help others be inspired.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily and inspire creativity in lots of people.
This is also important – You Must Do Work You Love.