Couture Coaching

by Michael Feeley
AS A LIFE + Career + Change Coach, my work is original. I call it couture coaching – tailor-made for you.
The art of coaching is not a ready-to-wear, quick-fix formula for the masses, hanging in a row, all looking alike. It’s a one-of-a-kind scientific process with some logical magic woven in.
My coaching questions aren’t cranked out – not read off a list like an application. They’re organic – arising naturally from empathy – intuition – creativity – deep listening – experience – skills – and an honest desire to know you – respecting you – paying careful attention to your needs, words, thoughts, and feelings.
Couture is a custom design created by an expert for your specific requirements and tastes – handcrafted – quality care – precise – and never rushed with choice fabrics, carefully draped, beaded, feathered, and accessorized with scissors, needle, and thread.
Couture is wild and exact – imaginative, expressive, free, and grounded. It takes creative risks, and still, it’s a basic coat, dress, hat, and handbag.
Coaching assists you in creating change in your life. To transform how you think, feel, and act, encouraging you to try new things and see how they fit you.
The art of couture aims to do that, too. It comes from love and respect because every detail, action, brain cell, and heartbeat that goes into a garment matters.
Isn’t this what you expect from any person and service you work with – your hairdresser, doctor, housekeeper, mechanic, grocery store, favorite restaurant+++
Every coach is original, and having a private coach is a smart and fashionable choice.
Whatever work you do, your brand, products, and services, from sweeping streets to being a CEO, should be done as a professional with quality, care, and compassion for your clients – people – humanity.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Masterful Coaching.