Choice Questions

by Michael Feeley
YOU HAVE CHOICES, and you make choices.
Here are some choice questions to think about, answer, act on, or not.
> What do I want to change?
> Where can I make something better?
> What is my work for?
> What is my life for?
> How does my work make a difference for me and others?
> What effect do I want to have on people – good, bad, or no effect?
> How does my knowledge and life experience make a difference in the world?
> How does my presence, the way I present myself to the world – at home – work – driving – walking down a street – shopping in a store – help or harm people?
> Where am I needed?
> What am I proudest of in my entire life?
The choices you make can be kind, or they can be brutal.
Committing to a choice can break you out of feeling stuck or keep you locked down.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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