Button Pushing

by Michael Feeley
WE ALL HAVE buttons that get pushed.
Things that trigger us and even knock us off our feet – fears, anger, regrets, guilt, shame, old victim stories, self-doubt, vulnerability, resistance.
It’s essential to know these buttons, to manage them and not be run by them.
– When your button gets pushed, just stop – be still – witness what you feel.
– Take a few well-deserved deep breaths.
– Focus on gratitude – What you’re grateful for?
– Why do I react so emotionally to this situation?
– What is my interpretation of the button that upsets me so much?
– If anything else is going on here, what might it be?
– How can I own and master my button if it happens again?
– What change needs to be for me to have peace and freedom?
– What’s a better choice for me to make and grow from?
There is also the flip side to this – buttons of positivity to push for gratitude, happiness, love, creativity, empathy, generosity+++
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily with your tribes.
This also matters – Integrity Is Being True to Yourself.