
by Michael Feeley
LATELY, I HAVE been running into bullies.
People who permit themselves to talk to you any way they please.
Bullies are angry people who like to explode, insult, intimidate, harm. They keep coming at you, threatening you because they need to control and have their way—even negotiating their terms to end their bullying.
There is no excuse for verbal or physical abuse. Bullying must not be tolerated or seen as ordinary. We must each make
a collective choice to be against bullying, not be a victim, and stand up for victims of bullying at any time, place or age.
Bullies are filled with fear, and they want others to live in fear.
Bullies are selfish – insecure – living with questions of low self-esteem.
Bullies are disrespectful – unkind – cruel.
Bullies live with pain and shame. A bully may have been bullied themselves and use past personal pain to hurt others –
lashing out at a world that doesn’t make sense, where they do not feel safe, accepted, understood, or loved.
Bullies try to recruit others to join their bullying, so they are not alone.
Bullies don’t tell the truth. Truth and facts do not matter to them.
Bullies seldom work with you and prefer working against you.
Bullies desire power.
– What triggers aggravate people’s mental health, turning them into bullies?
– What might bullying have to do with the prolonged effects of Covid and now a war in Ukraine?
– What if bullies lashing out at other people is really self-lashing out, self-cruelty, self-hatred?
– If you have compassion for bullies, what do you think might happen?
– What can you learn from bullies?
Bullies are dangerous, and you do not need to stand alone against a tyrant. Instead, inspire others to be courageous and join you in stopping any bullying.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with your tribes and stop all bullying.
This also matters – Dis- Respect.