Be Vulnerable

by Michael Feeley
VULNERABLE has two meanings.
It can be seen as a weakness, encouraging fear because you’re opening yourself up to harm emotionally or physically.
It’s a strength, something to practice and be proud of. It takes courage to be vulnerable with your thoughts and feelings and your honest hope to be understood.
See the choice you have?
Vulnerability is trust for others and the world around you. It means you’re taking risks – asking for what you need and want, offering help, standing up, and fighting for your beliefs.
We are all always vulnerable.
Living makes us vulnerable.
Relationships make us vulnerable.
Work makes us vulnerable.
Creativity and innovation make us vulnerable.
Leading makes us vulnerable.
Our inner critic makes us vulnerable.
The more you see the positivity of vulnerability and act on it, studying it in the world, people, and your ‘self,’ the more valuable and enticing vulnerability becomes.
People I see and respect as vulnerable are – Nadia Murad – Yazidi human rights activist – Benjamin Zander, Director of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra – Oprah – actor/director Bradley Cooper – Lady Gaga – Daniel Roth, Editor in Chief of LinkedIn – computer scientist and AI expert Fei–Fei Li – Malala Yousafzai – Pakistani education activist.
Who do you respect that is vulnerable, and why?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with your tribes.
This is also important – Your Choice to Lead.
(photo Google Image – Nadia Murad)