Attract a Quality Life

by Michael Feeley
WHAT DO YOU attract that strengthens you, and what do you attract that’s limiting and self-destructive?
Like attracts like. It’s called the law of attraction.
What you put out into the universe, you get it right back.
If you’re generous and kind, you will attract that, and the same if you’re selfish and hateful.
Look seriously at your life. If there are things you treasure, making you strong, happy and grateful, hold them to your heart, and if there are other things that weaken you and make you less than who you are, corrupting your integrity and
self-respect, harming others, then get rid of them!
Make a positive choice to live a quality life where you strengthen yourself and others.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily and see what it attracts into your life.
This is related – Actions Have Consequences.