
by Michael Feeley
“I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” – Apologies matter.
You see a mistake you made, and you want to fix it, change it, make things better, and usually as fast as possible.
The fact that you feel bad is good news. It’s ethics working in you, the vital sign that you were unfair to another person.
Apologizing means you have sincere regret about something that was not right and had a bad effect on someone else.
It’s having knowledge and self-awareness of what happened – a brave desire to know the facts and the truth – honest self-criticism – and the choice you make to take action to apologize or not.
It takes courage and integrity to say you’re sorry and mean it.
We all know when an apology is heartfelt or not, and just because you apologize doesn’t guarantee that the person you harmed needs to accept your regret or forgive you.
Whatever happens, learn from your mistakes.
The facts and truth will never let you down, and the clear vision that you hurt someone else – dismissed them, were unfair, unkind in some way, are intense and just reasons to say – “I’m sorry.”
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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